Call to Action

Ways you can get involved with your community!

Go to your local meetings!

Most of us avoid school board or library board meetings.  If you want to simply learn about what is going on in your local politics a great place to start is simply attend a meeting or two. This also gives you a chance to network with other people in the area that might share your concerns or passions.

Write letters to the editor

I know this sounds obvious but very few people actually contribute to the paper.  If you support a local official or policy let them know!  Most of the time people write letters to the editor to be critical but the positive things need our attention now more than ever!

Be Brave! Talk to people

We tend to do most of our talking from the safety of our phones.  We have lost much of our face to face interactions and shy away from hard conversations.  That's no way to build a better community or future.  Be bold and speak up when you have something to say.